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Kamis, 04 September 2014

Comic book collection - the ebook![review][scam][best product][how to]

Comic Book Collection - The Ebook!

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My name is Dave Gieber. I've been a serious comic book collector for over 40 years and have amassed over 2,000 comic books.

I not only collect them, but I have avidly followed the comic book market for most of my life. Back in February of 2010, 3 comic books sold for One million dollars ($ 1,000,000.) each. I'm sure those figures caused your jaw to drop open -- I know mine did! Their original price when they were issued was 10 cents. Not a bad profit, if you had held onto them or knew which ones are worth big money.

That's part of the magic of comic book collecting. This isn't your standard kind of collection. There is an incredible history here. Decades upon decades of people have happily collected comic books. Some do it for fun. Others view them as collectible comic investments.

We have grown up with them. We read about our favorite super heroes and their diabolical arch rivals, the super villains, their super powers, their sleek, other-worldly costumes. Comic books transport us out of ourselves and into a make believe land where anything is possible. (Some of us were reading these colorful little magazine-type books long before television was even invented!) Comic books are the stuff of which dreams are made of, both then and now.

There are new comics, old comics, and historical comics -- all waiting and wanting to be collected. Each of them has its own, magnificent, story.

There has never been a better time to get started, whether you're more interested in getting started for fun, or you plan...

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Item Reviewed: Comic book collection - the ebook![review][scam][best product][how to] Rating: 5 Reviewed By: ARMINAVEN